File and
Directory Structure:
The Directory Structure of Unix/Linux based operating systems
is Inverted Tree, where roots(/) are at the top and rest comes down
heretically. The file system looks like:
- / — the slash / character alone denotes the root of the virtual filesystem tree.
- /bin — stands for "binaries" and contains certain fundamental utilities, such as ls or cp, needed by all users.
- /sbin — stands for "system (or "superuser") binaries" and contains fundamental utilities, such as init, usually needed to start, maintain and recover the system.
- /etc — contains configuration files and system databases.
- /dev — stands for "devices". Contains file representations of peripheral devices.
- /home — contains the home directories for the users.
- /mnt — contains filesystem mount points.
- /lib — contains system libraries.
- /root — the home directory for the super-user root.
- /tmp — a place for temporary files. Many Unices clear this directory upon start up.
- /usr — originally the directory holding user home directories, its use has changed, and it now holds executables, libraries, and shared resources that are not system critical, like the X Window System, KDE, Perl, etc. (The name "Unix System Resources" is a post hoc backronym). However, on some UNIX systems, some user accounts may still have a home directory that is a direct subdirectory of /usr, such as the default as in Minix.
- /var — a short for "variable." A place for files that may change often.
- /proc — contains all processing data (Process information about a running operating system).
- /opt — contains add-on software.
- /media — default mount point for removable devices.
- /srv — server data (data for services provided by system).
- /boot — contains all the important files which are required for successful booting process.
- /sys — contains information related to hardware.
For more
information Please follow:
of Shell
Following are the mail shortcuts that can be used in the
K-shell of AIX for more productiveness:
- To navigate with the prev and next commands : ESC + j and ESC + k
- To navigate right to left and vice-versa in a command : ESC + h and ESC + l
- To inserts chars between a already written command: ESC + h/l (this is to navigate) + i (this is to insert). Remember that the INSERT key doesn’t work here on shell for inserting.
- To auto-complete a file or directory name: ESC + \
VI editor
- VI is an Editor used to edit files in the UNIX based system. Following are the mostly used features of VI:
- To open a file in VI editor : $vi <filename>
- Note: This will open the file if it is present in the current directory or else it will create the file if the directory is not mentioned.
- To insert in to the file once the file is open for editing : press i or press a or press INSERT Key
- To quit from the vi editor one need to come to normal mode from the insert mode. Use ESC key to come to normal mode from Insert mode.
- :q! --> to quit forcefully
- :w! --> to write the content of the last edit to the file, forcefully
- :wq! --> to write the content of the last edit to the file as well as quit, forcefully.
- Use Following commands in Normal mode:
- :set number --> to see the line numbers
- :set nonumber -->to remove the line numbering
- /<word> --> to search the word in the file
Following is the list of basic commands that can be used on
almost all the UNIX based systems and enhances the productivity:
- $cd --> To come to users own home directory from any location
- $cd <directory path> --> To go to the specified directory path
- $cd .. --> To go one level up in the directory structure.
- $cd - --> To go the previous directory that one is working before working to the current directory.
- Note:Please note the SPACE between cd .. and cd –
- $touch <filename> --> Creates empty files, if the file is not present. If the file is present the access time stamp will be changed.
- $mkdir <dir-name> --> To create a directory.
- $mkdir –p <dir1/dir2/dir3> --> To create recursive directories. Using this dir2 is created in dir1 and dir3 is created in dir2.
- $rm <filename> --> To delete a file. One will be prompted yes or no when this command is used.
- $rm –rf <filename or dirname> --> To delete files or complete directories. It won’t prompt for yes or no before deleting the file or directory.
- $man <command> --> To get information about a command. For example $man grep will give all the information regarding the grep command.
- $cp <source> <destination> --> To copy a file or directory from source to destination.
- $mv <source> <destination> --> To move a file or directory form source to destination.
- $clear --> clears the prompt
- $cat <filename> --> to view the content of the file.
- $date --> prints the date on the prompt
- $echo “String” --> prints the String on the prompt.
- $grep <pattern> <filename> --> to search a pattern of strings within a filename.
- Note: The various options of grep can be easily understood using the man page ie $man grep.
- $cat <filename> | more --> To view a file which is more than one page long. RETURN (ENTER) key is used to scroll one line and SPACE key is used to scroll 1 Page.
- $more <filename> --> works same as the above command.
Shell and
Shell Script
A UNIX shell is a command-line interpreter or shell
that provides a traditional user interface for the UNIX based operating system
and for Unix-like systems. The shell that a user is using can be found using
$echo $SHELL
This means that K-shell is used by the user.
The most widely used Shells are as follows:
- Korn Shell --> ksh
- Bourne Shell --> bsh
- Bourne Again Shell --> bash
- C- Shell --> Csh
For reading and referring to the Shell Scripting please
follow the below mentioned links as it is a long topic and cannot be covered in
this completely.
Use of $
the table how $ can be used in a Shell Script.
- $9
variables are the positional parameters.
name of the command currently being executed.
number of positional arguments given to this invocation of the shell.
exit status of the last command executed is given as a decimal string.
When a command completes successfully, it returns the exit status of 0
(zero), otherwise it returns a non-zero exit status.
process number of this shell - useful for including in filenames, to make
them unique.
process id of the last command ran in the background.
current options supplied to this invocation of the shell.
string containing all the arguments to the shell, starting at $1.
as above, except when quoted.
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